Thursday, October 6, 2011

Steve Jobs

Professionally, Steve Jobs was such a hero of mine. His approach to design, communication, user experience and the consumer informs my thinking, especially now that I'm trying to launch a start-up of my own.  When I heard the news that Steve Jobs died last night, I was so stricken and  transfixed on the relentless stream of  updates, news, obituaries, and eulogies, written to not only honor his corporate accomplishments, as a leader of one of the most amazing companies ever--but also to salute the amazing way he lived his life. Here is a commencement speech that he gave to the very lucky, 2005 graduates at Stanford.

I LOVE this speech and his parting words were perfect: "Stay hungry, stay foolish."

Who wants to take calligraphy class with me?
R.I.P Steve Jobs.

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