Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Portrait of Childhood Alienation: Sorry I Missed Your Party

Sorry I Missed Your Party is good for chuckle or two to break up the wearisome monotony of the dull work-day (Or for me, dull non-work day. Online job searching and under-employment are mind-numbing and sort of a drag.) The site's photobombing and snarky comments are consistently forward-able and funny! The comments underscore the hilarity in the image, and the carefully curated image provides the precious material for comedy. So, when I checked out Sorry I Missed Your Party today, I expected the typically caustic post, but instead was oddly affected by this heartrending photo of childhood angst. This posting perfectly captures both an image that is both poignant, yet still characteristically captioned with playful scorn that is SO Sorry I Missed Your Party.

Via: Sorry I Missed Your Party

1 comment:

  1. can relate! will probably don a tshirt at the pool this summer as well!
